GUI programming

Vadim Zeitlin zeitlin at
Wed Apr 3 10:45:32 EST 2002

On Tue, 02 Apr 2002 10:37:45 GMT, Charl P. Botha <cpbotha at> wrote:
> Please read the whole thread before replying.

 As a matter of fact I did. But I didn't find any specific mention of the
problems which anybody has encountered under either of those platforms, sorry
if I missed this somewhere.

> I did NOT say that wxWindows doesn't build on these architectures.

 Your statement implied that there were problems with building it under SGI
and/or Solaris without saying what those problems were. I wanted to know more
details about this.

> To clarify, and I've said this previously in this thread, I
> have the highest regard for wxWindows and wxPython.

 Although it surely is a pleasure to hear this, I'm more interested in making
wxGTK and wxPython build out of the box on as many platforms as possible. And
for this we need the users bug reports which was the only reason I replied to
this thread. So I'd simply like to reiterate my plea to all [potential]
wxPython users to please let us know about any problems with building and
installing it.

> What I DID say was that getting a working wxPython installation on one of
> those boxes can take quite a while.  One has to get GTK and all the packages
> it depends on and configure and build all of these.  Then one has to
> configure and build wxGTK and wxPython... all of this can take some time.

 Yes, but this is not a bug, it's a feature. Or at least there is nothing we
can do about it (except making a wxPython/X11 version).

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