wiki helper cgi script

Will Ware wware at
Wed Apr 24 23:06:24 EDT 2002

I have a few wikis on my site, all using UseMod. The following Python script
can be shared by all my wikis, and it lets me put a link on the wiki that
generates an alphabetized list of all the wiki's pages with links to them.
It doesn't care what directory or subdirectory the wiki in is. I just put the
following in the wiki:

   [ List] of all pages

I'm running this on a Linux box with Apache. YMMV otherwise.

Bon appetit, Will Ware

import os, sys, string
def ouch(arg):
    print "Content-type: text/html\n"
    print "<HTML><TITLE>Ouch</TITLE>"
    print "<BODY BGCOLOR=\"WHITE\">"
    print "<H1>Ouch: %s</H1>" % repr(arg)
    print "Don't try to call this CGI script directly."
    print "</BODY></HTML>"
if os.environ.has_key('HTTP_REFERER'):
    referer = os.environ['HTTP_REFERER']
referer = referer[7:]    # strip off "http://"
referer = string.split(referer, "/")
if referer[0] != '':
if referer[1] != 'cgi-bin':
referer = string.join(referer[2:-1], "/")
inf = os.popen("find %s/data/page -type f" % referer)
L = inf.readlines()
print """Content-type: text/html
<title>List of all pages for WifiWiki</title>
<body bgcolor=white>
<h1>List of all pages for WifiWiki</h1>
for x in L:
    x = x[13+len(referer):]
    x = x[:-4]
    url = "" % (referer, x)
    item = "<li><a href=\"%s\">%s</a>" % (url, x)
    print item
print """</ul>

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