DCOracle2 importing problems

Hugh h.e.w.frater at cs.cf.ac.uk
Fri Apr 19 21:05:44 EDT 2002

I'm importing it in the interactive interpreter using:
>>> import cgi #runs fine

here's the cgi script:

import DCOracle2
import md5 
import time 
import base64
import cgi
import rotor

connectString = "'scm1hewf/carthage at cs2000'"

def makeSessionId(st):
  string = ""
  m = md5.new()
  m.update('this is a test of the emergency broadcasting system')
  return string.replace(base64.encodestring(m.digest())[:-3], '/', '$')

def enc(password):
  rt = rotor.newrotor('this is a test of the emergency broadcast system', 20)
  return rt.encrypt(password)

def checkid(id, password):
  db = DCOracle2.connect(connectString)
  c = db.cursor()
  query = "'select password from tblborrower where id = " + formid + "'"
  return c.fetchone()

form = cgi.FieldStorage()
id = form.getvalue('id')
password = form.getvalue('password')

if (form.getvalue('id')):
  encrytedpassword = enc(password)
  sessionId = makeSessionId(id)
  result = checkid(id, encryptedpassword)

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