Importing dynamically loaded modules (in packages)?

Irmen de Jong irmen at
Tue Apr 30 21:30:16 EDT 2002

"holger krekel" <pyth at> wrote in message
news:mailman.1020213066.536.python-list at

> > "import Package.TestModule" still doesn't work: ""no module named
> > How can I correct this?
>     sys.modules['Package.TestModule'] = TestModule
> after that you should be able to do
>     import Package.TestModule

Ouch... isn't that cheating? I mean, the Module name is "TestModule",
not "Package.TestModule".
Anyway I've tried
    import test.pystone
and sys.modules.keys() indeed contains not only "test" but also "test.pystone".
So my guess is, for module "a.b.c.m" we need to add
"a", "a.b", "a.b.c", "a.b.c.m" (etc) to sys.modules.
I still find this a bit weird, but if it works, who cares.

I'll have to try this. Thanks.


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