Using 2.2 stdlib modules in 2.1

Gerson Kurz gerson.kurz at
Wed Apr 24 10:45:34 EDT 2002

If I'm correct, the hmac module was added in 2.2, but is not present
in 2.1 or below. Now, for the next version of shicks! I want to
include SMTP AUTH, and for this I need the hmac module. For 2.2 users
everything is fine, but what if the user has an "older" python
version? (and many, including my webhoster, still do). 

Can I just distribute with my BSD-licensed open source app, or
is there a website to point to where you can download lib sources
( works without changes in 2.1 and presumably in 2.0 also) so
that I can ask users to manually download it if they need it (which I
think would be a quite bad solution, but still...). 

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