2.1 vs. 2.2

Ken Peek Ken.Peek at SpiritSongDesigns.comNOSPAM
Sat Apr 13 18:44:35 EDT 2002

"Jens Baader" <nospam at nospam.com> wrote in message
news:3cb8a755$0$12714$9b622d9e at news.freenet.de...

| Are there any plans to get Python "stable" or will
| the language continue to change with each major release
| of the interpreter?

A language that does not evolve is like "Latin" is now:  A
_DEAD_ language that is only used by academic type people.

There is nothing stopping you from getting (and staying
with) an older version of the language-- you do not always
have to be "on the bleeding edge" of Python evolution.  Many
people have chosen to stay with version 1.5.2-- it is
stable, there is a lot of documentation for it, and it has
been ported to the most platforms.  In fact, there is _NO_
reason to change to a newer version unless you need one or
more of the new features in the newer version to get work

| I'm downloading Python 2.2.1 right now and I wonder
| why you still produce bugfix releases for the old 2.1
development line.

I think 2.1.3 was an "emergency" release of the 2.1 branch
to fix some bugs that caused Zope (a VERY important Python
application) to crash sometimes...

| It seems that Python 2.2 is somewhat broken. If not what's
| reason that keeps the people from upgrading to 2.2?

There were a LOT of changes in 2.2...  I think everyone was
waiting for the bug-fix release (2.2.1-- which is out now.)

| Another question: When will we see an official ISO/ANSI
| for Python? I dislike working with nonstandardized

I think this would absolutely _RUIN_ Python (for me at
least.)  See my comment above about _DEAD_ languages...

| The fact that radical language changes are still made (the
| type/class unification) seem to suggest that Python is
still not
| mature enough for a real standard. Or maybe Python and
| the other "newschool" languages (like Ruby, Java) are not
| meant to by standardized? Don't know but I really would
| like to.

You don't _HAVE_TO_ use Python-- you can use any one of the
over 4000 "free" languages "out there"-- or you can write
your _OWN_ language.  If you write a language as good as
Python, and as stable as Python, without Python's warts, I
will be one of the first to download it and start using
it...  Until then, I will continue to use Python until
something better comes along--  (Thank you Guido for
creating a great language!)

Any more questions?

Very_Happy_With_Python_'ly yours,
--Ken Peek

(Welcome to the "New World Order"!  --  "I just CAN'T wait
to get a "brain chip" in my head!"... "Oh, PLEASE!... At
least let me have one of those "Model 666" identification
microchips in my hand!!!" see: http://www.adsx.com/ )

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