Thanks and kudos to Python core team (was Re: Booleans, integer division,backwards compatibility; where is Python going?)

Peter Hansen peter at
Wed Apr 10 21:52:26 EDT 2002

Tim Peters wrote:
[in a dull moment]
> You users slay me <wink>.  For me, "my own entertainment" means I can use
> such "developer features" to get my work implementing features for you to
> use done quicker, have it work better, suffer fewer bugs, and give you more
> capabilities in your code than you had before.  If you're ever tempted to
> think that work devoted to improving language and library implementors'
> productivity is wasted on users, you should try not watering your garden
> during a drought too <wink>.

I'd like to take this opportunity to at least thank the developers,
bots included, and other contributors (in the most heartfelt way I
can without sending large cash contributions) for all the blood,
sweat and keypresses they've put into this phenomenal project.

I'm classified in the pathetic subset of users known as "commercial
developers building products using Python and to date not contributing
a damn thing back to the community".  My accomplishments in the
past two years using Python have been possible largely because of
the unpaid, thankless (well, until now by me anyway) efforts of 
a large number of mostly volunteer developers.  

We're leeches (so far) but at least we're very grateful leeches.

I'm dismayed by comments attacking the core developers when made
by people who have not contributed more than I or my team have.
Beggars can't be choosers, and nobody likes a whiner...


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