Python v. Euphoria

Tim Churches tchur at
Thu Apr 25 16:46:02 EDT 2002

Stom Fairecroire wrote:
> Hi, All
> Many, many years ago I did a lot of programming in HPL (Hewlet Packard
> Language) then did lots using PICK basic. Now I want to start some
> very low key programming again - just for my own amusement. Anyone
> have any views on the pros and cons  of Python v. Euphoria ? Which
> would be the better option?


Definitely Python, for all the reasons given by others, but also because
the native data structures which Python provides will seem very familiar
to anyone who has used PICK. In fact, if you nest some Python lists
a Python dictionary and store all that in a ZODB (Zope Object DataBase),
you have a pretty good facsimile of the PICK filesystem, surrounded by a 
much more powerful language than PICK Basic ever was, and even easier to 
learn. In fact, you could write a class around the above to make it
exactly like the PICK filesystem if you felt so inclined. 

Tim C

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