[OT] What is Open Source? (was Re: ANN: Twisted 0.16.0...)

Julian Tibble chasm at galileo.rift
Thu Apr 25 18:02:55 EDT 2002

In article <3CC61DCA.DAD9DD8E at cosc.canterbury.ac.nz>, Greg Ewing wrote:
>Andrew McNamara wrote:
>> >Interersting.  If so, then RMS is 'guilty' of an almost humorous
>> >contradiction.
>> Speculation - maybe he's aware of this and simply sees it as playing
>> what he sees as a fatally flawed system against itself? 8-)
>I wonder what he would do if there were no intellectual
>property laws. Would he be campaigning for the introduction
>of a law that enabled him to enforce the price that the
>GNU copyleft exacts?
>Greg Ewing, Computer Science Dept, University of Canterbury

erm... If there is no copyright then there is no *need* for copyleft.

BTW, don't say "ahhh, but the GPL also stops you from commercialising
something unless you give away the source," because without copyright
you would be free to copy that commercial software (and reverse engineer
it - once you've copied it, it is yours to do with as you like.)


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