Booleans, integer division, backwards compatibility; where is Python going?

Gustavo Niemeyer niemeyer at
Sun Apr 7 06:12:26 EDT 2002

> Most recent changes in Python are good (list comprehensions, x in dict,
> etc) but I'd rather that they appear only in major releases (2.0, 3.0, etc)
> which happen every 2 years or so, rather than in the minor releases
> that come out every few months.
> A mature language is like a grown adult who needs to buy new clothes
> every few years.  Python is more like a rapidly growing child who
> needs bigger clothes every few months.  There's a tension between

You're not using any of those features (list comp, rich comparisions, x
in dict, weak references, function attributes, distutils, nested scopes,
new style classes, iterators, generators, etc), right!?  If so, you'd be
acting against your own principles, obligating users to use newer Python
versions, and then you'd be like an adult buying new clothes every few
months. ;-)

Gustavo Niemeyer

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