PEP 285: Adding a bool type

Alex Martelli aleax at
Mon Apr 1 13:39:28 EST 2002

Pearu Peterson wrote:
> users/developers/educators. From what I have learned last years about
> Python development (other people comments being the main source), then it
> is not exactly a democratic process where majority rules.

Absolutely not, *thanks be*.  I strongly suspect I wouldn't _want_ to use
a language developed by "a democratic process where majority rules" -- cfr
e.g. Larry Wall's quip "Perl is worse than Python because users WANTED
it worse"... I think there's truth in it.  A single language architect's 
intuition, supported by advice and reasoned opinions of whoever he cares
to listen to (as opposed to votes which are just counted, no matter who
expresses them and what arguments, if any, they're bolstered by) stands
a stronger chance of producing a gem than a committee's productions.

I don't agree with every decision by the BDFL, but I'm still pretty happy
that HE decides, not a committee -- and not even me (if I somehow felt
sure that my decisions would be better, I could after all go elsewhere... I
doubt a better language would result that way, though).


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