2.1 vs. 2.2

Jens Baader nospam at nospam.com
Sat Apr 13 17:46:55 EDT 2002

I'm downloading Python 2.2.1 right now and I wonder
why you still produce bugfix releases for the old 2.1 development line.
It seems that Python 2.2 is somewhat broken. If not what's the
reason that keeps the people from upgrading to 2.2?

Another question: When will we see an official ISO/ANSI standard
for Python? I dislike working with nonstandardized languages.
The fact that radical language changes are still made (the
type/class unification) seem to suggest that Python is still not
mature enough for a real standard. Or maybe Python and
the other "newschool" languages (like Ruby, Java) are not
meant to by standardized? Don't know but I really would
like to. Are there any plans to get Python "stable" or will
the language continue to change with each major release
of the interpreter?



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