Python server from inetd?

Tim Roberts timr at
Wed Apr 10 23:44:46 EDT 2002

Erno Kuusela <erno-news at> wrote:

>Tim Roberts <timr at> writes:
>|   #! /usr/bin/python
>|   import socket
>|   client = socket.fromfd( 0, socket.AF_INET, socet.SOCK_STREAM )
>|   while 1:
>|     bfr =
>|     if not bfr:
>|       break
>|     ...
>| But this does not work.  The "read" call returns 0 immediately, over and
>| over, until the client exits.  I never get any data.
>it shouldn't work, since socket objects don't have a read method, only
>recv.  getting 0 sounds really odd, since both s.recv nor only
>return strings. are you sure you're interpreting this correctly?
>can you post the real code?

You're right.  That's what I get for posting from memory instead of from a
file.  I did figure out that I needed to use stdin and skip the
translate-to-socket model.

Here's the code in its most recent incarnation.  This prints "Got empty
buffer" forever.

import os
import sys
import time

log = open('/tmp/tinetd.log','a')
sys.stderr = log
sys.stderr.write( 'Hello\n' )

# Suck all data from the socket until a line ends with Ctrl-D.

bfr = ''
while 1:
  bfr1 = sys.stdin.readline()
  if bfr1:
    log.write( "Got %d\n", len(bfr1) )
    bfr = bfr + bfr1
    if bfr[-1] == chr(4):
      log.write( "Got ctrl-d\n" )
    log.write( "Got empty buffer\n" )

log.write( repr(bfr) )
log.write( '\n' )
- Tim Roberts, timr at
  Providenza & Boekelheide, Inc.

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