Creating Excel files on Linux

Michael A. Miller mmiller3 at
Fri Sep 7 13:13:38 EDT 2001

>>>>> "Maan" == Maan M Hamze <mmhamze at> writes:

    > When I say that the world speaks the XLS language I mean
    > that is what your average Joe Blow and Jane Doe understand
    > behind their desks in their offices.

My experience has been that the average user doesn't understand
that at all :)

That aside, staroffice can read and write starcalc, ms excel
97/2000, ms excel 95, ms excel 5.0, sylk, dif, html, dbase and
text/csv formats.  It is available for solaris, linux, windows
2000, 98, 95, and NT 4.0.


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