The $HOME of Windows.

Mark Hammond MarkH at
Tue Sep 25 19:40:16 EDT 2001

Markus Schaber wrote:

> Hi,
> Curtis Sandoval <csandoval at> schrub:
>>One possibility for this is the %USERPROFILE% variable which should be
>>in the system environment.  This will map to the 'Documents and
>>Settings\username' directory on NT5 and the '\Profiles\username' on
>>which are functionally equivalent directories.  Win95, 98, etc are not
>>really designed for multiple user capability, so you if you want to
>>support these operating systems you will probably want to just put
>>your config
>>settings in 'Program files\programname\username' to be more universal.
>> This will also work on NT4 and NT5, so this may simplify your task.
> This is not such a good idea, because:
> - It requires write access for all potential users to the programm 
> installation directory
> - It mangles program and user data storage, thus making backups and 
> re-installations more difficult

The "correct" way of doing this is to use and/or


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