Newbie: Why Does This Work This Way...Global Variables And The Signal Module....

John Branthoover jbranthoover at
Thu Sep 13 18:12:14 EDT 2001

Hello All,
    I have written a simple program to break out of a endless loop by
hitting control C,  see below.  This program works OK but I don't understand
why I have to define the global variable "Loop_Run" twice to get it to work.
I thought that you had only to define a global variable once at the
beginning of a program and that made it available to rest of the module.

    Thanks in advance and have a great day!


import signal


def signal_handler(signal, frame):
    global Loop_Run
    print 'Signal Handler',Loop_Run


def Main():
    global Loop_Run
    Loop_Run = 1
    signal.signal(signal.SIGINT, signal_handler)
    while Loop_Run<>0:
        print 'Loop is running because Loop_Run = ',Loop_Run
    print  'Loop is stopped because Loop_Run = ',Loop_Run


if __name__=='__main__':

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