Python is better than free (was Re: GNU wars again)

Christopher A. Craig com-nospam at
Fri Oct 5 08:33:50 EDT 2001

"Tim Peters" < at> writes:

> BTW, doesn't this look fishy to you (s/Peters/Holden/)?:
>    Nope. If Steve were married, you would write about his and his wife's
>    home (assuming they lived together) as the Holden's home.  Since (and
>    how could it be else) there is only one Steve, you should write about
>    Steve Holden' way of thinking.

This doesn't negate the fact that Steve was correct.  Names ending in
"s" are a special case for apostrophe rules.  

> When I was about 12, a teacher said Peter's or Peters's was acceptable for
> the singular possessive (I stuck with Peters's), and Peterses' for the
> plural (I stuck with Peters', and got extra credit later <wink>).

What you were told by you teacher seems far more fishy.  Try

    When I was about 12, a teacher said Chri's or Chris's was
    acceptable for the singular possessive (I stuck with Chris's), and
    Chrises' for the plural (I stuck with Chris', and got extra credit
    later <wink>).

trying-to-decide-if-this-is-more-off-topic-than-the-gpl'ly yours,

Christopher A. Craig <com-nospam at>
"I don't know of any version of Unix on Intel that is not technically superior
to Windows NT."  --  Nicholas Petreley (InfoWorld Columnist)

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