__getatr__ question

Janko Hauser jhauser at ifm.uni-kiel.de
Wed Oct 3 16:01:24 EDT 2001

It's the order of evaluation, and that you change the instance

If you change __getattr__ to
    def __getattr__(self, a): 
        self.string = a
        print 'self.string = %s' % self.string

This becomes obvious. The output of  k.func1(k.func2(12)) looks then

self.string = func1
self.string = func2

Although I must admit, that I also expected that the argument of a
function call is also evaluated before the function is called.

So it does not seem to look like a bug, but perhaps there are more
insights available :-).


  Institut fuer Meereskunde             phone: 49-431-597 3989
  Dept. Theoretical Oceanography        fax  : 49-431-565876
  Duesternbrooker Weg 20                email: jhauser at ifm.uni-kiel.de
  24105 Kiel, Germany

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