Traceback oddity

Dale Strickland-Clark dale at
Fri Oct 19 06:51:07 EDT 2001

This may not be a Traceback issue at all but somewhere in the depths,
Python's handling of file paths is strangely inconsistent.

Here's my traceback report (wrapped, unfortunately):

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "S:\JOBS\Gibson\Library Manager\librarymanager\cli\", line
31, in main
  File "S:\JOBS\Gibson\Library
Manager\librarymanager\cli\", line 52, in execute
  File "S:\JOBS\Gibson\Library
Manager\librarymanager\cli\", line 41, in doNew
    xmlStory = lbXMLStory.lbXMLStory(,
  File "s:\jobs\gibson\library manager\librarymanager\",
line 27, in __init__
    lbdbPubBase.__init__(self,, ID, seq, Parent=Parent)
File "s:\jobs\gibson\library manager\librarymanager\",
line 77, in __getattr__
    return self._fields[field]                 
  File "s:\jobs\gibson\library manager\librarymanager\",
line 75, in __getattr__
    assert field != '_fields'

The observant will have noticed that the first few filepaths are in
mixed case whereas the last are all lower case.

I only noticed because I'm trying to post-process this report.

Any ideas why?

Dale Strickland-Clark
Riverhall Systems Ltd

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