DDE Client?

David Brady daves_spam_dodging_account at yahoo.com
Wed Nov 21 14:52:53 EST 2001

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Patrick Vrijlandt
[mailto:p.vrijlandt at aig.azn.nl]
> I'm afraid python dde leaks memory, but I haven't
> checked the source and have no confirmation from
> the author. If your application crashes after a
> few thousand dde-calls, think of this.

Eww.  The spec I'm leaning towards is to be able to
run long-term and stable, with several thousand DDE
calls per day.

I wonder if it's Python that loses it or DDE itself. 
I recall finding a bug WAYYYY back when in the early
DDE implementation.  StdDde.c used a linked list of
topics, and IIRC deleting a topic had a bug in it that
would delete the desired node WITHOUT reattaching the
prev node to the next node.  This has probably changed
since then; this was in my early coding days working
with MFC 2.x.

Any thoughts?  Who is the author, Mark Hammond?



David Brady
daves_spam_dodging_account at yahoo.com
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