more troubles with my program

the_2nd_coming jpetzold at
Mon May 21 22:26:02 EDT 2001

thank-you for all the help you have given this newbie, not only to python 
but also programming.

I am still having troubles with my program, it tells me that I am trying to 
apply a mathematical operator to non integers.

hear is my source:
def evaluate(list):
        num1 = list[0]
        num2 = list[2]
        operator = list[1]
        print num1
        print num2
        if operator == '+':
                answer = num1 + num2
        elif operator == '-':
                answer = num1 - num2
        elif operator == 'X':
                answer = num1 * num2
        elif operator == 'x':
                answer = num1 * num2
        elif operator == '*':
                answer = num1 * num2
        elif operator == '/':
                answer = num1 / num2
                print 'invalid operator'
def fix_expression(list):
        word = list
        print word
        l = []
        n1 = word[0]
        n2 = word[1]
        n3 = word[2]
# - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -  - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - 
import string
expression = raw_input('please enter your singel operator expression')
string.strip(expression) # get rid of all leading and trailing white space#
list = string.split(expression)

if len(list) >1:
        print evaluate(list)
elif len(list) == 1:
        print fix_expression(list[0])
        import sys


could it be due to the fact that I use raw_input?
I would think that once you take a number out of a character string you 
should be able to perform math functions on it. am I wrong?



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