Jpython and corba

Patrick McGleenon Patrick.McGleenon at
Wed May 16 02:28:24 EDT 2001


We did the same thing with the Orbacus Java ORB, with both JUnit and
JPython 1.1.

Your test program implements a CORBA callback, so must act as a CORBA server. 
You need to instanciate a POA object which will handle this callback.  
This means the orb in the client should be running after you call Foo() -
at least until the callback is called (the callback code can stop the orb to
finish the test).

The OBJECT_NOT_EXIST exception means when the server tried to execute
the callback on the client, the callback object wasn't around.  You can check
the callback was passed in correctly by stringifying the corba object on the
client and server side.

In principle JPython allows any Java class to be used or extended, so
the POA is implicitly supported.



> Hi,
>    We are migrating to Visibroker 4.0 (POA) from Visibroker 3.3 (BOA). Our
> regression tests are written using JPython1.1 on java1.3. The problem we are
> running into is this: In the test, we bind to a callback corba server  and
> get a callback handler. Later this callback handler is passed as a parameter
> to a function say Foo(), which invokes methods on the handler. When a method
> is invoked on the handler, we get CORBA exception OBJECT_NOT_EXIST. It looks
> like the handler is not being passed in correctly.
>    I browed thru your website, faqs and newsgroup but could not find an
> answer.  This used to work with BOA but it is broken now.  Does JPython
> support POA?  Could you please point me to some documentation or examples on
> this? Any help will be greatly appreciated.
> Thanks in advance,
> -/Hephzibah

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