Compiling Python source code

Gerhard Häring gerhard.nospam at
Mon May 28 17:32:21 EDT 2001

On 28 May 2001 21:31:15 GMT, JimB417 <jimb417 at> wrote:
>Hello all,
>I downloaded the RPM source files for Python 2.1 (expat-1.1-3tummy.src.rpm,
>python2-2.1-4.src.rpm ) and I'm having problems with compiling on my Linux
>box. i open a terminal window and type:
>rpm --rebuild expat-1.1-3tummy.src.rpm
>After a few moments (and all seems to have gone well) I type at the prompt:
>rpm --rebuild python2-2.1-4.src.rpm,
>and I get the following message:
>expat 1.1-3tummy is needed by python2-2.1-4.
>What am I doing wrong here? [...]

Looks like you need to install the expat RPM (the binary RPM, most likely
ending in .i386.rpm or .i686.rpm) for compiling the python2 RPM. On my system,
I can find the recompiled RPMs under /usr/src/packages/RPMS/i[36]86. Might be a
similar path depending on what distribution you use.

mail:   gerhard <at> bigfoot <dot> de       registered Linux user #64239
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