Why aren't we all speaking LISP now?

Andrew Dalke dalke at acm.org
Wed May 9 17:13:33 EDT 2001

Douglas Alan wrote:
>Anyone who learned CS101
>differently missed out on one of the most profound and enjoyable
>experiences that life has to offer.

I personally think my most profound learning experience
was the math class taught from "Introduction to Real
Analysis" by Bartle.  I'm still amazed at the beauty
and elegance of the material and even the font and
layout of the book.

My sister took the same course and hated it.  She was
more into algebra and topology than analysis.  OTOH,
I could never figure out algebra.

I'm told by some the works of Faulkner, Joyce and
Hemmingway are also both profound and enjoyable.

Guess I'm missing out on a lot.

                    dalke at acm.org

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