Indentation style...

Grant Edwards grante at
Sun May 27 14:40:56 EDT 2001

On Sun, 27 May 2001 18:35:23 GMT, Tim Gahnström /Bladerman <tim at> wrote:

>> I think tabs should be forced at the beginning of lines,
>My first thought to this is.
>What if you happen to have a lousy editor that don't suport
>tabs in a good way? E.g. it have 1 tab = 8 spaces or it doesnt
>display tabs at al.

What if you happen to have a 5-bit Baudot teletype? 

You don't use it.

Likewise with a broken editor: get a decent one?

>I agree that it sure would make it easyer in this case, when
>you have a good editor.

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  Finally, Zippy
                                  at               drives his 1958 RAMBLER
                                 METROPOLITAN into the
                                                   faculty dining room.

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