Messaging in Py?

D-Man dsh8290 at
Tue May 22 15:48:03 EDT 2001

On Tue, May 22, 2001 at 07:12:56PM +0000, David LeBlanc wrote:
| In article <mailman.990470431.30830.python-list at>, 
| paulp at says...
<actually, some quoting is missing, D-Man (me) wrote some of this>
| > > > According the the xml-rpc site the xml-rpc guys used to work for MS.
| > 
| > No, Dave Winer used to work *with* MS on a pre-cursor to XML-RPC. He
| > wasn't an employee and the people on the project who were MS employees
| > still are.
| I didn't say that Dave Winer was an employee of MS - that is your 
| inference. "A developer" need not be an employee. Nor is any of the above 
| text written by me!

Employee of and worked with are fairly closely related -- it is easy
to mix the two up when reading a story only once about people one
doesn't know and hasn't heard of before.  It is probably correct that
Dave Winer (oh, yeah, I guess that's his name ;-)) worked *with* but
never worked *for* MS.

| > > > They left after sharing the xml-rpc idea.  Now they maintain xml-rpc,
| > > > which is a simple way for using RPC (from the client's perspective,
| > > > anyways).  SOAP is what the other MS guys ended up with after they
| > > > bloated xml-rpc with excess features.
| > 
| > Excess in Dave's opinion, I guess. XML-RPC is pretty nice for simple
| > things but it is VERY basic. You could argue that SOAP is too large and
| > complex but the world certainly could not get by on XML-RPC alone.
| Dave who? If me, you're misquoting me completely - this quote came from 
| D-Man's post. If you mean Dave Winer, i'd be very surprised to hear him 
| characterize SOAP as bloated since he's also one of the developers of the 
| (current status) SOAP proposal.

I wrote the post describing some of the history of XML-RPC and SOAP.
I was stating from memory what I had read on the website
regarding the history of the project.  There are (were?) bound to be
errors since my memory isn't perfect.  I just went back to the web
site, but I can't find any history at all.  


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