sys.path after python 2.1?

Greg Copeland gtcopeland at
Thu May 17 11:12:37 EDT 2001

Okay, I'm running an old installation of Mandrake.  I uninstalled
python 1.5 and grabbed the 2.1 source tar balls.  I compiled and
installed 2.1 without problem.  The tests seem to run without issue.
I did notice that after installing 2.1, it said that my sys.path
was not correct and that it should be manually modified.  In fact,
the exact phrase is:

warning: install: modules installed to '/usr/lib/python2.1/lib-dynload/',
which is not in Python's module search path (sys.path) -- you'll have to
change the search path yourself

The real issue that I've noticed is that ANY module that is a
shared object fails to load.  For example.  I can compile and
install wxPython without problem, however, if I attempt to use
the wx module, it says that it's not found.  I've tried messing
around with various items here and there, no matter what, I
can't seem to get it to function.  This doesn't only include
site modules, rather, even something as simple as importing
crypt of zlib fails with: ImportError: No module named <module>.

I have some old code that fails to.  It says: ImportError: No module named time.
The odd thing is that time is being imported from the socket module.

I didn't have this problem with 1.5.  What's the deal?  Help!  Where
do I need to make these changes.


Greg Copeland, Principal Consultant
Copeland Computer Consulting
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