PIl, text and Windows 2000

Max Møller Rasmussen maxm at normik.dk
Mon May 21 05:38:31 EDT 2001

> From: Ben [mailto:b.e.n. at .r.e.h.a.m.e...c.o.m]

> I am currently having a particularly hard time getting some text down
> onto a 2 bit png file using PIL and i was wondering 
> if anyone has been successful in doing this could you please provide
> me with some pointers or sample code.

Here is a script that automatically creates buttons from a default image and
some text.

Maybe there is something there to pilfer.

regards Max M


buttonList = {}
buttonList['02_home.gif']           = 'Ölwechselung'
buttonList['02_01_somewhere.gif']   = 'Klares Bekenntnis zur Umwelt'
buttonList['02_02_dude.gif']        = 'Hey Dude'

import ImageDraw, ImageFont
import Image

# Set font
arial =

im = Image.open("C:/root/pythonScripts/PILTest/redButton.gif")

width, height = im.size
middle = width/2

for fileName, theText in buttonList.items():
    aCopy = im.copy()

    # render the text
    draw = ImageDraw.Draw(aCopy)

    textWidth, textHeight = draw.textsize(theText)
    textMiddle = textWidth/2

    fontPlacement = middle - textMiddle
    print textWidth

    draw.text((fontPlacement, -3), theText)
    aCopy.save('C:/root/pythonScripts/PILTest/' + fileName)

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