New PEP: The directive statement

Grant Griffin not.this at
Thu Mar 22 13:44:11 EST 2001

In article <mailman.985224089.1179.python-list at>, "Tim says...
>I may like
>Martin's "transitional" better for this reason -- provided that it wakes
>people up enough to think about what they're reading.  Alas,
>    from __transitional__ import nested_scopes
>is not only ugly, it's not even funny, so would be worse than "from
>__future__ ...".  It works better with "directive" because it keeps it
>uniformly bland.

You know, if this "__future__" thing really goes through, I predict we'll
eventually see something like this:

   from __future__ import __transitional__

or maybe even

   import __future__ as __transitional__

(I'm not sure if the proposed syntax will support that, though. <wink>)

Now, I like a good joke as much as the next guy <wink, wink, say no more>, but
I'm not sure software is the place for jokes.

Problem is, computers seem to be inherently un-funny.  For example, imagine the
following from the old Star Trek series:

   Kirk: Computer?

   Computer: Working.

   Kirk: Why did the chicken cross the road?

   Computer: Specify chicken.

I once worked on a system which, whenver you made a typo in entering a command,
responded with, "Fat-finger typo error".  That was funny for the first day or
two, but it wore thin in about a week, and it became downright annoying after a
month.  Then, after close to a year, we finally got good at ignoring it.

Similarly, whenever I use "friend" in C++, I wince a little bit.  And not just
for the construct itself--for its name.  I don't think "friend" was ever meant
as a joke, but even so, it's just a _little_ too cute.

Oh, and don't get me started on Bill Gates' dancing paper clip...


Should we laugh at ourselves?  Definitely!  Should we laugh at each other? 
Hopefully!  But should we laugh at our tools?  Never!

(Sorry to be such a wet blanket. :-)

a-workman-is-known-by-his-tools-ly y'rs,



Grant R. Griffin                                       g2 at
Publisher of dspGuru                 
Iowegian International Corporation  

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