Can anyone recomend a good intoduction to C...

Grant Edwards grante at
Wed Mar 7 12:26:11 EST 2001

In article <3aa6551e.212870101 at>, Mats Wichmann wrote:

>(oops, I smell a flood of "I can top that" comments such as "you had a
>terminal? I learned on a Teletype", "you had a Teletype? I had to
>toggle code in using switches", "you had switches?  I had to use
>Forth!".  Consider that joke already played out, eh).

You had 1's?  In my day we had to write everything using nothign but 0's!

[That's out of some Dilbert strip I believe]

Grant Edwards                   grante             Yow!  On the road, ZIPPY
                                  at               is a pinhead without a
                                 purpose, but never without
                                                   a POINT.

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