Python In A Nutshell - suggestions

Laura Lewin Laura_01 at
Sun Mar 11 23:20:41 EST 2001

Thanks for your suggestions.  We'll definitely take these into account.
LLewin at

>===== Original Message From Louis Luangkesorn <lluang at> =====
>Well, since your asking for suggestions . . .
>One thing I would like the Nutshell book to include are sections on some of 
the commonly used modules that may not be included in the base
>distribution.  I say this because for the language itself and standard 
modules, there is already printed documentation in the form of the Python
>Essential Reference by David M. Beazley and presumably the The Standard 
Python Library by Fredrik Lundh that is coming out.  But in no place I've 
>is there documentation on the third party modules.
>Of course this begs the question of "what are commonly used modules?"  There 
are a couple of lists out there.  One is the list of modules that is on the
>ActiveState page,,
>These include:  tkinter, wxPython, expat, Numeric Python, and ODBC (they have 
mxODCB, but using DBI 2.0 compliant modules in general would make for a
>useful section) Another useful list are the modules that are mentioned in 
Python Programing for Windows32 by Hammond and Robinson in Chapter 3.  They
>only have space for a paragraph each as a teaser, but it would be good to 
have a few pages in a Nutshell book.  (and if you really want to know, the
>modules I use are Numeric Python and ODBC, and I'm going to be choosing 
between tkinter and wxPython soon)
>And while I'm at it, one useful book to have would be on wxWindows/wxPython.  
I see references to it in several places, and a few intros on the web, but
>nothing that looks like good documentation (besides help files), even on the 
internet.  (and this book would be useful to C, C++ as well as Python
>Thank you. (as I look at my shelf with several binders of printed 
>LLewin at wrote:
>> Hi,
>> Yep--Python Nutshell is "forthcoming"...we're just in the planning stages 
at this point--very early on in the process.  Any suggestions are welcome!
>> Laura
>> LLewin at
>K Louis Luangkesorn
>lluang at  PGP:0xF3E2D362
>Whatsoever things are true, ... honest, ... just, ... pure, ... lovely, ... 
of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on
>these things.- motto - Northwestern University

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