[Python-Dev] Re: Bug fix releases

Skip Montanaro skip at mojam.com
Mon Mar 5 19:41:50 EST 2001

    Tim> Note there was never a bugfix release for 1.5.2, despite that 1.5.2
    Tim> had some serious bugs, and that 1.5.2 was current for an
    Tim> unprecedentedly long time.  Guido put out a call for volunteers to
    Tim> produce a 1.5.2 bugfix release, but nobody responded.  Past is
    Tim> prelude ...

Yes, but 1.5.2 source was managed differently.  It was released while the
source was still "captive" to CNRI and the conversion to Sourceforge was
relatively speaking right before the 2.0 release and had the added
complication that it more-or-less coincided with the formation of
PythonLabs.  With the source tree where someone can easily branch it, I
think it's now feasible to create a bug fix branch and have someone
volunteer to manage additions to it (that is, be the filter that decides if
a code change is a bug fix or a new feature).


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