Win32 Installer on 2.1?

Gordon McMillan gmcm at
Fri Jun 8 12:09:24 EDT 2001

Matt Butler wrote: 

[Benjamin Schollnick guesses Installer 4 works with 2.1]

>Thanks for your response, I have actually not had a problem yet with
>2.1, it's just that the readme omits 2.1 from the list of
>configurations on which Installer has been tested.

I'm finally testing with 2.1 (I use *lots* of C extensions in my work, and 
recompiling for a new release of Python is a royal PITA).

So far I've found some minor stuff in doing Windows version resources 
(which slipped by me in testing Python 2.0, where it also fails). If anyone 
needs that, drop me a note. Otherwise, I'll keep plugging and roll it into 

- Gordon

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