Python + threads + wxWindows = segfault, help!

Robin Dunn robin at
Fri Jun 1 23:50:58 EDT 2001

> The application design is using the parent for the GUI and
> threads for communication.  Data is passed back and forth via
> Python's Queue class.
> Most of the segs that I get seemingly have to do with threads.
> I think I'm the only SMP user on the project and oddly enough,
> I think I'm the only user seeing issues like this.

This is a known bug that has been around for some time.  It only happens on
SMP hardware, which I don't have yet, so there have been a couple blind
attempts at a fix that have failed.

My new SMP motherboard and processors and etc. arrive next week, so
hopefully soon I'll be able to better understand the problem and then come
up with a solution.  (Just don't tell my wife that all this new hardware
($$$) was only bought to squash a bug in free software...)

NT and Win2k users can work around the problem by telling the OS to keep the
process on just one processor:

    import win32api, win32process
    cp = win32api.GetCurrentProcess()
    win32process.SetProcessAffinityMask(cp, 1)

You can keep track of the bug here:

Robin Dunn
Software Craftsman
robin at       Java give you jitters?      Relax with wxPython!

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