Which IDE ?

phil hunt philh at comuno.freeserve.co.uk
Tue Jun 19 12:57:00 EDT 2001

On Mon, 18 Jun 2001 22:57:13 GMT, VanPopering <dvanpope at bookworm.suffolk.lib.ny.us> wrote:
>Which IDE would you recommend for someone *just starting out* with Python?
>-I'm not a professional programmer but Im interested in learning Python
>-I want to use opensource whenever possible
>-For now I'm just here for the basics; some scripting etc.

What OS are you using? I'm using Linux and I just use my favourite
text editor and the bash prompt. This is simple to use, because running
the program is just a matter of putting the mouse over the bash window
(making it active), then pressing up-arrow (bring up the last command,
likely to be ``python myprogram.py''), and [return] runs it.

>I'd LOVE to use idle since its part of it and free, but I have heard that it freezes upand 
>has other problems...is this really a problem that it happens a lot? Are there things I can 
>do to avoid this - does it happen with larger more complex programs only? If it froze while 
>running the script and that was the only potential problem, then I'd just save it first...

I've never used IDLE or any other Python IDE so I couldn't say. My
system is the simplest, and therefore likely to be the most
bug-free way of doing it.

>	I am wondering if these were copmplaints by professional programmers who 	
>needed and expected more...

I think professional programmers often prefer simple tools (i.e.
text editor and command line).

##  Philip Hunt                   ##
##  philh at comuno.freeserve.co.uk  ##

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