Meta: PEP discussion (was Re: PEP 255: Simple Generators)

Skip Montanaro skip at
Wed Jun 20 20:14:02 EDT 2001

    Jeremy> It makes the most sense to me to include python-dev, because
    Jeremy> it's the advice-to-Guido-list and because most or all of the
    Jeremy> core developers subscribe to it.  It seems that list is the most
    Jeremy> obvious place to discuss changes to the core language -- and it
    Jeremy> really irks me that conversations about the core are
    Jeremy> artificially move elsewhere.  (Counterexample: Maybe we could
    Jeremy> take all the Unicode stuff and ban it from python-dev <0.9
    Jeremy> wink>.)

I agree with Jeremy.  I wasn't keenly interested in python iterators from
the get-go (you can't follow everything), so I missed all the discussion
until PEP 255 was released.  Then within a day or two it winds up in the
head branch of CVS.  That's not to say it doesn't deserve to be there, but
it seems thtat the time from PEP to CVS was rather short.


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