Re. PythonCard - was Re: Event-driven GUIs ...

Ron Stephens rdsteph at
Tue Jun 19 23:29:55 EDT 2001

Sigh, sounds like we got a lot of folks, of whom I am by far the worst, who
would love to contribute. I would think the hardest part would be to find a
couple of truly competent leaders, who are expert programmers, sort of our own
mini-Linus's or Guido's. The leaders could then moderate the "toolkit wars" and
make final decisions.

My guess is it might be extraordinarily hard to find such leaders for an open
source project like this ;-(((((.

One could only suggest Roman Suzi and Neil Hodgson since they were the first two
to mention HyperCard. (and it sounds like they know what they're talking about)

Anyway, should anyone be foolish enough to reluctantly volunteer as fearless
leaders, it looks like they could expect  lot of eager followers...

Of course one would hope that some of the followers could actually produce good


Neil Hodgson wrote:

> Ron Stephens:
> > Of course, each person undoubtedly has a different set of concepts in mind
> > when he thinks of "PythonCard"..still, an intriguing amount of interest in
> 24
> > hours...
>    I'd like, at least initially, a fairly straight clone of HyperCard but
> with true colour graphics. While my other open-source activities don't leave
> much time for contributing, I'd be able to do a script editor / debugger.
>    Is it time to have the toolkit war?
>    How suitable would ZODB be as the persistence back end?
>    Neil

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