RS232 support for DOS on 486?

Mike Brenner mikeb at
Fri Jun 8 16:13:08 EDT 2001

I agree with Anurag. 

I own and have access to more DOS machines than windows or linux or dual-boot linus/windows machines.
And DOS is a faster way to get many pieces of work done than windows.

If someone had the time to bring Python up to date on a DOS-extender (say without threads or wxwindows), especially djgpp, it would make a lot of old computers much more useful.

DOS is not dead when Microsoft stops selling it. DOS is dead when people stop using it and throw away their old computers. 

Anurag said:
>   I have a strong point to make. The ONLY purpose of the Usenet, as I
> see it, is to spread knowledge. Unfortunately, far too often too much
> is made of "off topic" thingy. If a post in it's basic theme is
> appropriate for a newsgroup (as this one is) then there is no reason
> why any replies to that post, even if seen deviating a bit from the
> main theme, should not be posted.
>   In particular, comp.lang.python lurkers (like me) who have followed
> this thread and are not as knowledgeable as Oleg would certainly like
> to know what he did with the DOS Extender.

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