Interesting speed benchmark

Michael P. Soulier msoulier at
Wed Jun 6 22:41:10 EDT 2001

On Wed, 06 Jun 2001 18:00:48 -0600, Mahesh Padmanabhan
<micronospampad at> wrote:
> Seems like that poster was correct in pointing out that the memory
> management scheme of Java vs Python makes a difference.

    What are the disadvantages of this kind of "lazy garbage collection"? I
know that the JVM will force the garbage collector to run if it hits a real
limit, causing a sudden delay in a running program, but that rarely happens on
today's systems. Is there serious justification for cleaning up de-referenced
objects in Python right away? A comparison would be welcome.


Michael P. Soulier <msoulier at> 
"With sufficient thrust, pigs fly just fine. However, this is not necessarily a
good idea. It is hard to be sure where they are going to land, and it could be
dangerous sitting under them as they fly overhead." -- RFC 1925

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