Operator symbol for "nb_intdivide"

Carel Fellinger cfelling at iae.nl
Sat Jul 28 11:35:12 EDT 2001

Guido van Rossum <guido at zope.com> wrote:
> A better analogy would be = vs. == in C.

> But I've never heard of confusion between + and ++ or between - and
> --, so I think the psychology of this mistake more complicated than
> just the doubling of the symbol.  I know I've made the = vs. ==
> mistake even in Python.  Possibly it's more likely because = is by far
> the most common symbol.

Nay, more likely that confusion comes from "=" and "==" both being
"is"-ses in your/my head.  I remember from the time I did serious
programming in Pascal I trained myself to think of ":=" in terms of
"becomes" just to remined me of the leading ":".  In the same line of
reasoning "+" and "++" aren't likely to get confused as the one reads
"plus" and the other "increment".  Same for "-" and "--".

If this is true than that might be a real motive to use "div" instead
of "/".  I never once mixed those two up in all of my Pascalling life,
so the fact that one is a symbol, the other a keyword sure helped to
distinguish them.  And now that we have more time before the entangled
divide get's introduced, introducing new keywords for div and mod
wouldn't influence the rate of new keywords introduced to the language
that much either.  So I cincerely aske you to reconsider the use of
those keywords.

Maybe it's because I'm dislectic that I'm more sensitive to mixing
things up, but given the abundunce of mixing up others do with "="
and "==" gives me the slight hope I'm on to something here:)

On a tangent, someone else mentioned the other day that for him,
being dislectic, Python was *the* language. Though, strange as that
might sound at first with Python lacking the ability to declare the
identifiers to be used and all the uncached typos that might come
from that, it *does* work that way for me too, probably because the
language is so simple that my mind doesn't run overtime and has
ample time to fix those easy typo's (through testing that is:)

groetjes, carel

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