Python and DB support (was: Re: Is Python Dead?)

Hamish Lawson hamish_lawson at
Tue Jul 3 12:45:55 EDT 2001

Alex Martelli:

    Python can work perfectly well WITHIN ASP/IIS

Roman Suzi:

    ADO could help for those who consider Python for tasks usually
    done with PHP or ASP.

I suspect there may be cross-purposes here, due to differences in how
the term 'ASP' is being used. Strictly ASP is a technology for dynamic
web pages, but without any reference to any particular programming
language. VBScript just happens to be the most widely used language
for working with ASP, but other languages can be used - JScript,
PerlScript, Python, etc. Thus to compare Python with ASP is, strictly
speaking, as meaningless as comparing Python with CGI (when you
actually meant Perl).

Hamish Lawson

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