Informix IDS2000 and Zope/Python/Perl/PHP on Linux

Thomas Volkmar Worm worm at
Thu Jul 26 08:38:31 EDT 2001

Hi all!

I am consindering to use Informix Dynamic Server (Informix Internet
Foundation 2000/Linux) together with Zope and the other 3 P's.

I wonder, whether somebody has any experience with Linux and

- IDS 2000 and Perl
- IDS 2000 and PHP
-  IDS 2000 and Python
- IDS 2000 and Zope

and can tell me about the experience he made with one or more of these
combinations. I am interested to hear about

- availibility of the needed drivers
- their (practical) compatibility to (eg. perl DBI, python DB-API 2.0,
- stability
- and what else someone has experienced

I already was an,,, - I guess I
know whats available. It looks to me as if the support for IDS is not so
strong, so I am really interested in real experience somebody had rather
that what you can read in the READMEs. If you stopped using IDS together
with P..., please tell me why and what db (other than mySQL, thats
allready running here) are you using instead.

If some Informix/IBM people are around: Are there any contributions
planned or in progress for the 3 P's by Informix/IBM? Where can I find
online information about it?

If you respond to this posting, please send a CC to my email-address

Thanks for your efforts in advance

Thomas Volkmar Worm

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