Python, C++, Java, Smalltalk, Eiffel,...

phil hunt philh at
Thu Jul 19 09:35:24 EDT 2001

On Thu, 19 Jul 2001 08:53:59 +0100, Michael Abbott <michael at> wrote:
>I haven't yet tried writing anything in OCaml, but I'm anticipating being
>let down by the library support in comparison with Python, particularly on

This is a common problem when using a little-known language.

Supposedly, Microsoft's C# and CLR system will provide a fix for
this, by allowing the programmer to use any language that compiles
to CLR to call a routine in any other language that does.

Does anyone have details on this?

#===== Philip Hunt == philh at ======#
    Herbivore: effort-free public key encryption. See:
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