Deposing Dictators

David Goodger dgoodger at
Fri Jul 27 17:41:24 EDT 2001

on 2001-07-27 4:03 AM, Robin Becker (robin at wrote:
> I don't disagree on readability, but given that the scripties can do
> perl already and the result is often faster python won't get a look in
> at the sort of mundane tasks in web serving/shell scripting etc.

I "did Perl" intensively for 2.5 years, shell scripts up through
multi-thousand-line systems. Then I learned Python, and gave up on Perl for
all but one-line throw-away commands. Perl may run faster, but at what cost?

I chose sanity: Python.

David Goodger    dgoodger at    Open-source projects:
 - Python Docstring Processing System:
 - reStructuredText:
 - The Go Tools Project:

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