Deposing Dictators

Robin Becker robin at
Fri Jul 27 04:03:15 EDT 2001

In article <3B60AEAD.CB287C47 at>, Peter Hansen
<peter at> writes
>The difference in readability (and thus ease of maintenance and
>ease of developing robust code) is sufficiently large to outweigh
>any performance differences.
>Obviously, the question of whether Python wins or loses, against
>Perl or any other language, is largely a matter of opinion. 
>As long as the performance is not an order of magnitude slower
>for my kind of application, I have zero reason to look enviously
>at Perl users...
I don't disagree on readability, but given that the scripties can do
perl already and the result is often faster python won't get a look in
at the sort of mundane tasks in web serving/shell scripting etc.
Robin Becker

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