Python 2 times slower than Perl

Rene Pijlman at de.nieuwsgroep
Tue Jul 17 20:00:26 EDT 2001

com-nospam at (Christopher A. Craig) schreef:
>I expect this is because of the cost of dealing with so 
>many Python object creations/deletions which I've found 
>can be quite a bit higher that C entities.

Are these "entities" on the heap or on the stack? Are they the
entities that leak and dangle?

But seriously, it's no use comparing a low level language to a higher
level language with a simple compute loop. Of course the low level
language is faster. So use it if you like!

If you want to know what languages like Python and Java are good for,
compare the development, debug and maintenance time of a multi man
year software engineering project. Where do you think all the buffer
overrun bugs came from? I guess most of them can be found in lightning
fast C programs.

Vriendelijke groet,
René Pijlman <rpijlman at>

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