httplib and cookies

Moshe Zadka moshez at
Tue Jan 16 22:33:48 EST 2001

On 16 Jan 2001 09:47:32 -0800, Johann Hibschman <johann at> wrote:
> Hi folks, webby question here.
> Is there a way I can get httplib to handle cookie setting and requests
> from the server?

Cookies are sent with a "Set-Cookie" header. You'll have to parse this
(yourself: if the cookie is simple, you can use crude tricks), and then
send this back in a "Cookie" header. You can even do it with 
urllib.FancyURLopener, just use the .addheader() method (but be aware that if 
there are redirects involved, you're probably better off using URLopener
and handling the redirects yourself)
Moshe Zadka <sig at>
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