SourceForge problems [was: libraries=['m'] in [Re: Python 2.1 alpha 1 ... ]]

Tim Peters at
Wed Jan 24 03:48:43 EST 2001

[Steven D. Majewski]
> Please excuse the OT: I don't see any point in adding another unanswered
> me-to complaint to the dozens already on SourceForge. Since there's a lot
> of SourceForge users on this list maybe somebody knows what's up:
> SourceForge seems to be pretty effectively broken for "new" projects
> ("new" =  those registered in the last month or two. )
> ...
> Does anyone know what going on at SourceForge ?

According to today,

    Hosted Projects:   14,366
    Registered Users: 110,619

I guess that if we dug deep enough, that would pretty much explain
everything <0.3 wink>.

growing-pains-ly y'rs  - tim

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