
fgleeson at my-deja.com fgleeson at my-deja.com
Tue Jan 2 10:26:07 EST 2001

In article <B672A66F.72CC%bobhicks at adelphia.net>,
  Robert L Hicks <bobhicks at adelphia.net> wrote:
> Has anyone tried Komodo from ActiveState yet? What are you thoughts on
it? I
> see that a Linux beta is out now as well.
The windows beta is available, the linux version is still at tech
preview 3. The beta release is promising and has enough features to be
useful for debugging perl scripts. You will need Windows Scripting Host
if you do not already have it (wscript.exe). The MSI install will bomb
out on you without expanation with a runtime error. WSH is available as
a free download from MS.

For whatever reason debugging is painfully slow, my computer may be a
bit underpowered for the task 300 Mhz pentium. It is hard to understand
where the bottleneck is. Perl.exe is very fast. I do not know if Active
State is communicating with perl.exe's built in debugger or duplicating
that functionality in a windows program. But I have a faster computer on

You can take some of the pain out of debugging by using breakpoints
instead of single stepping. Overall it is a promising product, that
fills an important niche. The beta is definitely worth experimenting

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