mxTools (was Re: why no "do : until"?)

Fredrik Lundh fredrik at
Wed Jan 10 17:52:36 EST 2001

Kevin Russell wrote:
> If it honestly turns out that there *are* fewer, then by the same logic
> the standard library shouldn't include the current broken DateTime.

if you have a broken DateTime in your standard library,
you've probably put it there yourself...

> If the standard library can't handle dates in the transparent
> and correct way that a user would expect (given the rest of the
> standard library), then it shouldn't be pretending to handle dates at
> all.

if you don't have a time module in your standard library,
you've probably removed it yourself...

(seriously, adding portions of mxDateTime to the core would
make a lot of sense.  I doubt all of it belongs there, though...)

Cheers /F

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